Databases are searchable collections of good quality, academic material, particularly journal articles. They can be small subject specific or large collections covering a wide range of subject areas. Most databases provide access to full-text items. Some are abstract only, so you can establish whether or not the research is suitable for your needs.
A number of databases are recommended for your course; follow the links in this section.
Full-text journal articles, indexes and abstracts for art.
Access the Quick Start Guide to Art Full Text.
Selections from the British Library's collections of recorded sounds from all over the world
Full-text database that provides access to over 400 titles. This includes electronic versions of IEEE Transactions, IEE Proceedings and content from the IET.
Access the Quick Start Guide to IEEE Xplore.
As well as this Subject Guide, you may also find the following useful:
Click on a resource link and enter your University username and password. A minority of resources require a different username and password - see the box below for details.
When you login to electronic resources you agree a number of terms and conditions which are available in full here.
You may choose to use Discover@Bolton, an individual database or an specific journal. Our quick start guide to finding information for assignments may be helpful:
Discover@Bolton enables you to search across multiple full text electronic resources via a single interface. Enter your search term in the box below and hit "Discover":
Use the options on the left-hand side of the results screen to refine your results. For example, you can filter by item type, subject area or by date.
For further help, two guides are available:
If you wish to access a particular journal, search the Ejournals portal, either by title or subject area. Full text access is available for the date range shown under each title.
If you use Google Scholar, you can connect it the Library's holdings to make accessing full text articles easier.