
The University of Bolton Student Services

Student Services

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Do I have to pay Council Tax?


Full time students are normally exempt from Council Tax and can apply to their local Council for a discount or exemption.

Here's how you do it:

The links below provide the Government definition of a full time student and how to find out who your local Council is. You can usually apply for a discount or exemption online easily and quickly using your Council's website. The Council need evidence from us that you are a full time student and we provide this electronically or by issuing a Council Tax certificate (depending on where you live).

You may be living away from home for your study and need proof you are a student for your term time address.

You may need proof for your home address, for example you live locally and do not have a different term time address, or you live away from home and your parents need proof that you are over 18 but still in full time education.

What you do:

Apply to your Council for the discount/exemption.

Send us a Council Tax Certificate request via your Student Portal.

What we do:

If your address is outside Greater Manchester, we issue a Council Tax certificate and post it to you.

If your address is inside Greater Manchester, we send a Certificate electronically directly to the relevant Council Tax Office.


That's it! As long as you do both of the above, the Council will then do the rest. If you move house or get new student accommodation you may be asked to complete this process again for your new address (don't forget to update any change of address using your Student Portal).