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The University of Bolton Library

Biomedical Science

Study Skills and LEAP Online

Study skills are the skills required to help you make the most of your studies. There are many competencies that are considered to be study skills, and as well as developing skills in using online library resources, study skills also include critical thinking, note taking, essay writing, report writing, preparing and delivering presentations and taking examinations.

Developing these key academic skills is essential for study in higher education, and will help you progress in your chosen career following university, too.

LEAP Online

LEAP Online supports the student Learning Excellence Achievement Pathway and provides online tutorials for academic skills such as such as finding appropriate information for assignments, writing essays or reports, right through to writing a dissertation.


Develop your skills with classes, workshops and events. 

Sign up for on-campus and online sessions UoB's specialist teachers and professionals: 

LEAP Live logo

For full details of upcoming events see the LEAP Live calendar

Information Literacy

Information Literacy (IL) is an essential skill that will improve the quality of your learning.

To be information literate is to be able to identify when and why you need information, understand how it is presented, critically evaluate it both in terms of its appropriateness of content as well as the quality of the information, and use and share that information.

LEAP Online has extensive information on what it is to be information literate including a quiz you can use to assess your own skills. 

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy is the next step: using the increasing and varied amount of digitally-born resources to enhance not only your studies, but also to help you operate in the connected world in which we live. Digital literacy concerns understanding the use of, for example, social media and virtual learning environments, to name just two examples. LEAP Online provides further information on how you can understand what it is to be digitally literate.

Study Skills Books

A large collection of study skills titles are available from the Library. The titles below are all available as ebooks. 

Visit our Study Skills guide for more examples or search Discover@Bolton.