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The University of Bolton Library

Support for Researchers: Home

The Library provides a wide range of services and support for Postgraduate Researchers. We contribute sessions to the University's Research Development Programme and our team of Academic Librarians provide support for researchers by email and appointment.

We are advocates for Open Access in a number of ways. We oversee the development of UBIR, the University's research repository and enable scholarly publishing via various transformative agreements

Female student reading a book in front of a laptop in a brightly lit home office with plants

Academic Research and Information Seeking

Male posgraduate researcher writing on a laptop

Publishing and Research Dissemination

Close up of a group working with data on paper and a tablet

Research Management

Researchers studying together

Help and Support for Researchers

Key contacts for reseachers

Academic Librarians 

Postgraduate Research students and staff can contact the Academic Librarian Team, who can provide guidance on key databases and resources for their discipline. 

Book an Appointment with an Academic Librarian


UBIR is the University's Research Repository. The platform is currently in the process of being migrated, which may result in some down-time towards the end of the switch. Please get in touch with for more information.

See the Publishing and Research Dissemination section of this guide for information on how to deposit your research in UBIR

For help and support with UBIR, please contact the Library team via You can get updates about UBIR on Twitter @BoltonUBIR.