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Help and Support for Research

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Researcher Academy is a learning platform available to all research students and staff at the University of Bolton. Researcher Academy has been developed by experts at Elsevier, and features videos and presentations, live webinars and learning resources that you can work through at your own pace. 

Researcher Academy features learning resources on every stage of the research cycle:

  • Learn how to obtain research funding and manage research data 
  • Improve your writing skills and publish a research paper in a journal with a high impact factor
  • Learn how to review a paper effectively, and how to respond to reviewer comments
  • Discover how communicating your work can boost the impact of your research and help you garner citations
  • Learn how to plan your career strategically, surviving a job search in both industry and academia, and cope with the busy life of a researcher

Researcher Academy can help you stay up to date with the latest research news, the most up-to-date advice and hands-on guidance on a number of topics. 

Register here for Researcher Academy with your University of Bolton email address. If you've previously registered for an Elsevier account on resources such as Scopus or ScienceDirect, you can re-use these details although you may have to clear the cache on your browser to log in. 

Once signed into Researcher Academy you can select a stage of the research cycle to explore the resources available.   

Researcher Academy modulesEarn certificates as you complete Researcher Academy modules to evidence your personal and professional development as a researcher.