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The University of Bolton Library

Nursing Associate

Inter Library Loans

Our Inter Library Loans service can obtain material not held by the University of Bolton Library. This includes journal articles and books, and can also include conference papers, reports and patents.

Already know you need an Inter-Library Loan? Make your request via our online form

See our Inter Library Loans guide for more information about how to make a request. 

Using Other Libraries 

Our Using Other Libraries page has information about other libraries that you can use, both in the Greater Manchester area, and wherever you are. 


The University of Bolton Library is a member of the national SCONUL Access scheme which allows part-time, distance or placement students (on a placement of ten weeks or more), full-time taught postgraduate students, permanent members of staff and postgraduate research students the opportunity to register with and borrow from other university libraries. Full-time undergraduates are entitled to reference only access under this scheme.

See our Using Other Libraries page for details of how to apply for SCONUL Access. 

Library Access on Placement and Libraries at Partner Sites

See our guide to accessing libraries on placement as well as our information on libraries at partner sites