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This guide compiles a range of Library services and resources to support the transition to online teaching and learning at the University of Bolton.
As of April 2020. the Library is asking Academic Staff to take the following steps to support the move to online teaching:
Look up the reading lists for the modules you are teaching via Resource Lists Online. Identify where there may be significant readings that are only available in print.
Contact your Academic Librarian via informing them of the modules that you are currently teaching or other priority modules.
Where possible send an updated list of online-only readings for these modules using the following importances:
Recommended for Student Purchase
Alternatively, tell your Librarian which print-only readings are a priority to acquire electronically if possible – or which print readings can be removed from your reading lists
Following these steps will ensure an easier experience for your students as their learning moves online.
More detailed guidance for academic staff is available on our guide to Resource Lists Online