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The University of Bolton Library

Library Website: Training and Development

Training and Development for Academic Staff

The Library is committed to supporting the entire University community, and our training and support is open to all academic and support staff. We have contributed to the development of the University's STEAM staff development initiative, and you will find details of library training and development opportunities on the STEAM Moodle site

Library Induction

All Academic Staff receive a Library induction as part of their welcome to the University. If you have recently joined the University and have not yet had received your Library induction, please contact Library Manager Trevor Hodgson

We are currently reviewing our induction processes and will provide a new offering for the academic year 2021-22. 

Appointments with Academic Librarians

You can book an appointment with an Academic Librarian to discuss:

  • library resources for your discipline, including ebooks, journals and more
  • reading lists, requests and our digitisation service
  • library services and resources for students, and how academic staff can signpost effectively towards them

Visit our Academic Librarians page and select the relevant staff member to view their appointment availability and make a booking. 

Library Training Programme

We run online training events throughout the year via Zoom. Events suitable for staff are listed below. 

All attendees will receive a recording after the session.