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The University of Bolton Library

English and Creative Writing

Information literacy & digital literacy

To be information literate is to be able to identify when and why you need information, understand how it is presented, critically evaluate it both in terms of its appropriateness of content as well as the quality of the information, and use and share that information. Digital Literacy is similar but with a focus on online information, such as the use of social media and virtual learning environments. 

LEAP Online has extensive information on how to be information and digitally literate. Click on the LEAP Online image in the centre of this guide to find out more. Pay particular attention to My Academic Development and My Digital Literacy.

Further study skills resources

A number of guides are available may be of use as you develop study skills. They are available from this page and are available in PDF format so they can be downloaded.


Turtitin is the plagiarism detection software you will most likely use to submit your assignments. 

Turnitin is accessed via Moodle, and the following help guides may be of use: