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The University of Bolton Library

Academic Video Online

Making Clips in Academic Video Online

Students and staff can easily make clips from video content on the Academic Video Online platform. Save clips for yourself, or embed them on webpages to share with others. 

You will need to create a personal user account on the Alexander Street platform to create and share clips.

Its free to create a personal account: just sign into Academic Video Online with your University of Bolton details, then select the User Profile option in the top right hand corner of the screen. Choose Create New Account and register.

Once you've created an account you can return to the User Profile option and select Log In

This video provides an overview of the different ways to create a clip and where to find your saved clips. 


Tips for Academic Staff: Adding clips to Moodle

Once you've created a clip on Academic Video Online, copy the embed code.

Go to your desired Moodle site and Add a new Activity or Resource. Choose the Label option. 

The Label option in Moodle

Select the Toolbar Toggle option to view the full range of options in the HTML editor. Select the HTML Source Editor option (the <> icon).

The HTML editor for the Moodle Label option

Paste in the embed code of your from the Academic Video Online platform. Your video will be embedded.

Finish configuring the options for your label and select Save and Return to Course