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The University of Bolton Library

Open Educational Resources

Creating your own OER


Moodle is an open source learning platform, and can be used to create learning resources using text, images, video and interactive elements like quizzes and discussion boards. The main Moodle Docs site has a range of guides to help you use the features of Moodle to build resources and activities for students. 

There is a global network of educators sharing their Moodle content under open licences. is just one repository of open Moodle content. 

Open Textbooks

Online Learning Resources

Open Author is a flexible online platform for developing OERS from OER Commons. You can use Open Author to curate and remix existing OERS, assign a licence and share again via the OER Commons hub. 


Choosing a licence

Many (but not all) OERs are shared under a Creative Commons licence. The Creative Commons website has lots of information on the different licences available, as well as a tool to help you choose which licence to apply to your work

If you are creating free software you could consider using a GNU Software Licence. The "How to choose a licence for your own work" guide will help you choose the GNU licence that best suits your needs. 

Sharing your OER

Once you have created and assigned a licence to your OER, you may want to share it so that others can reuse it (and potentially adapt it, depending on the terms of the licence you have chosen). 

You could share your resource via OER Commons or another OER repository. 

How to submit a resource to OER Commons

The Library is investigating options for the sharing of OERs created at the University of Bolton. Please contact us if you have an interest in this area, or would be interested in submitting resources to a UoB repository of OERs.