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The University of Bolton Library

Academic Skills Hub

What is JISC?

Digital Capabilities are the skills and attitudes needed by both staff and students to thrive in our modern, connected and digital world. 

The Library, including the Academic Skills Hub, uses the JISC Digital Capabilities Framework to inform the development of our services and support. 

Digital capabilities: the six elements" © Jisc and Helen Beetham CC BY-NC-ND


















The Jisc Framework uses six elements:

  1. ICT Proficiency (functional skills)
  2. Information, data and media literacies (critical use)
  3. Digital creation, problem solving and innovation (creative production)
  4. Digital communication, collaboration and participation (participation)
  5. Digital learning and development (development)
  6. Digital identity and wellbeing (self-actualising)

What it means to be digitally capable can vary between individuals. It can depend on contextual factors such as their role, subject specialism, career choice, personal factors and a range of other considerations. 

Through our work supporting the development of information literacy, the Academic Skills Hub contributes significantly to the development of Digital Capabilities at the University.  

Digital Capabilities Discovery Tool

Learn More about Digital Capabilities

Digital Capabilities and Teaching and Learning

Next Steps

The Jisc Digital Capabilities Tool is your next step to enhancing your digital proficiency and staying ahead in an increasingly tech-driven world. Whether you're a student preparing for the digital demands of your studies and future career, or a staff member looking to strengthen your digital skills for teaching, this tool is designed for you. Simply visit your respective Digital Capabilities pages—students can sign up through the student guide, and staff can access it via staff guide.  Sign up today and take the first step toward building your confidence and competence in essential digital skills.