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The University of Bolton Library

Academic Skills Hub

Mitigating Circumstances

We understand that sometimes unexpected situations arise that can affect your ability to complete assignments or assessments. Mitigating circumstances refer to serious and unforeseen events, such as illness or other significant issues, that may prevent you from performing at your best. If you find yourself in such a situation, the university offers support through its Mitigating Circumstances process.

For more information on how to apply for mitigating circumstances, what evidence may be required and how the process works to ensure you receive fair consideration for your academic performance, visit Student Policy Zone and check out the latest version of the Academic Appeals Regulations and Procedures.

You may also wish to get further guidance from your Personal Academic Tutor and generic advice from the student centre.

Academic Integrity

At UoB, academic integrity is at the core of our values. Upholding principles, such as: honesty, fairness, and trust in your academic work is essential to maintaining the quality and reputation of our institution. Academic integrity means submitting your own work, giving proper credit to others, and following the university's ethical guidelines in all your assessments. A breach of these principles, such as plagiarism, collusion, or commissioning work can result in serious consequences. 

For more information on the different types of academic misconduct, visit the Student Policy Zone and check out the Academic Misconduct Regulations and Procedures for this academic year.