An ORCID is a number unique to each researcher. Over 6.5 million researchers now have an ORCID. Registering for an ORCID means that your research outputs are easily connected and identified to you.
Many publishers and research councils now ask for an ORCID number. You will see reference to ORCID in databases such as SCOPUS. Anyone who participates in research should have an ORCID number to go alongside their name in research outputs. Having an ORCID may be mandatory for REF submissions in the future.
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Registering for ORCID is free. See this JISC ORCID guide for more information. Go to the ORCID website to register.
Your ORCID profile is an opportunity for you to showcase your research outputs so far. As well as your publications, you can add details relevant to your career, such as employment history, membership of professional associations, etc.
Make you sure select the green 'everyone' setting in each section so that your details are discoverable by other researchers.
This includes your email settings, which you can edit.
Universities are being asked to voluntarily submit the number of staff with ORCID identifiers. This may become mandatory in the future. To make the REF submission more efficient and accurate, The University now has a REF staff database which harvests details of publications from staff registered with an ORCID direct from the ORCID website.
It is critical that the publications on your ORCID profile are set to public view, as only these publications will be included.
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If you have any problems adding your ORCID details to MyHR, email with the subject ORCiD number
If you have publications on the University's repository, UBIR, you can import them into your ORCID profile. This will save you adding them manually.