Your feedback helps us improve our services for yourself and other users. It only takes a minute and you can share as much or as little as you like.
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Your support means so much to us, thank you!
Due to the recent COVID-19 situation, the Life Lounge staff are currently working remotely. This means that our usual service is available, however appointments will be held via telephone, Skype or Zoom where appropriate.
If you would like to discuss this further or if you have any concerns, please contact us on 01204 90 3566.
The Life Lounge is an ideal space to take a bit of time out from your day – you’re welcome to drop in at any time. It’s a quiet and relaxing space with mindful prompts and activities to help you to slow down and chill out. Through the Life Lounge, you can also access specialist services to support and promote your mental wellbeing.
The Life Lounge brings together specialist services, free for students to access, including:
The service is open to all current students studying at the University of Bolton and the service is completely free.