
The University of Bolton Student Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources brought together by the Life Lounge team

Nursing Students- Mental Health and Wellbeing


Nurses Support Their Young: Becoming a Nurse Mentor


Here at the University of Bolton we are proud of the caliber of our Nursing students, we are grateful for all your strength and hard work over these months, and weeks and months still to come.

Nursing is a challenging, but rewarding role. We know many of you have continued to work through the Covid-19 Pandemic also completing your studies and personally managing the effects of this situation.

We recognise that this has been, and continues to be a significantly challenging time for you, your families and your colleagues.

As a result the Life Lounge team have worked with your Academics to compile the below guides, advice, guidance and details of relevant agencies and support services.

The guide includes information about support services available to you within the University, within your Trusts and beyond.

If you have any queries or feedback please contact us at lifelounge@bolton.ac.uk 

Organisations, charities and services that can help and support

NHS Employers | Nursing Times

The NHS Employers organisation is in place to help NHS employers develop a sustainable workforce, improve staff experience and be the best employers they can be. 

They are key across the NHS for networking, sharing best practices, knowledge and awareness. 

Their website contains information and guidance on a wide range of areas that may be relevant to your time within the NHS. They have recently updated their section on 'support available for NHS staff', some of which is specific for support dealing with COVID19, you can check it out by click here > NHS Employers

Healthcare Workers' Foundation

Healthcare Workers' Foundation (formerly HEROS) is a charity founded by NHS workers, for NHS workers. They exist to support the welfare and wellbeing of NHS staff.

Their services cover the physical, mental and day-to-day needs of all NHS HEROES, from doctors and nurses to cleaners and porters.

They offer advice, guidance and support in a wide range of areas including childcare, transport, food and support grants, as well as wellbeing and psychological services for ALL healthcare staff. Find out more by visiting their website by clicking here > healthcareworkersfoundation

Cavell Nurses' Trust | Nursing Times

Cavell help nurses, midwives, nursing associates, maternity support workers and healthcare assistants when they are suffering personal or financial hardship. Cavell recognise this hardship is often due to illness, disability, age, domestic abuse and the impact of coronavirus. Support, advice and grants are always available for those the meet the criteria for more information click here> Cavellnursestrust.

Royal College of Nursing - Wikipedia

At the RCN you can get free, confidential support and assistance to help you deal with the challenging, emotional issues you may be facing, whether it is work related or personal. This support includes counselling, the reasons for the counselling can be personal and / or work-related. For more information about RCN counselling and to how to get an appointment click here> RCNcounsellinginfo.

The RCN website also contains advice, guidance and details of services and charities that help nurses on a wide range of areas including financial grants, home repairs, disability costs and travel costs. For more info click here > RCNsupport .

CSIS Charity Fund

The CSIS Charity Fund is an independent charity dedicated to supporting organisations and people that help civil and public servants and their families get through tough periods in life. Through partner organisations they are able to assist in times of hardship, upheaval and bereavement. For more information click here> CSISinfo

Loss and bereavement

Within your Nursing career you are likely to experience loss and bereavement more often, and support colleagues, and your patients friends and family through their loss.

How we deal with loss is different for all of us, professionally and personally. All of us will experience loss at times, and may on some occasions need support from others. Despite it being a normal part of many blue light services role, that does not mean that at times it may be more difficult to manage than others. It is important to reach out for support when you need it, then you are able to keep doing the role you love too.

The Life Lounge has its own dedicated web pages on bereavement, which include guidance on understanding the stages of grief, details of bereavement and loss focused support services and an extensive loss and bereavement guide compiled by one of Mental Health Advisors within the Life Lounge. To look at these web pages click here> LLbereavement&loss.


Accessing support from the university

The Life Lounge

The University of Bolton's Life Lounge brings together a range of specialist services revolving around mental Health and Wellbeing. It is completely free for students to access, it includes: Counselling, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), a Wellbeing Advisor, a Wellbeing coordinator and Mental Health Advisors.

In addition, the team can advise, signpost / refer to services (and support to engage with services if needed) about a wide range of issues such domestic abuse, drugs and alcohol misuse, gambling addiction, financial hardship issues, sexual health and more.

To find out more about Life Lounge services and register for support click here > Life Lounge UofB


The university has partnered with Togetherall an online mental health / wellbeing resource. Within the app and website there are numerous activities, information, advice and guidance covering a wide range of topics such as dealing with stress, managing anxiety, coping skills for low moods, sleeping better and much more.

In addition - Whether you want to speak to peers or a counsellor, support can be accessed at anytime. You can join a supportive online community that’s totally anonymous, take part in a group, do a course and take self-assessments. 

Togetherall is a great source of support and guidance outside of normal office hours and means you can support access when our services are closed, including evenings, weekends and outside of term. 

Go to Togetherall.com to join with your uni email address – it takes 5 minutes and you have immediate access to support.