
The University of Bolton Student Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources brought together by the Life Lounge team

Welcome to Health Information Week 2020

6th - 12th July 2020

Health Information Week 2020: what are the 2020 themes?

We’re sticking with a themed week, with a different focus for each day!

Monday 6th July: Health literacy

Tuesday 7th July: Mental Health

Wednesday 8th July: Sepsis

Thursday 9th July: Healthy lifestyles

Friday 10th July: Mobile apps

Saturday 11th July: Mythbusting Common Conditions

Sunday 12th July: Wellbeing and mindfulness

To get involved, use #HIW2020 or Tweet Health Info Week at @Healthinfoweek.

This online event has been created by the University of Bolton Library Team and Life Lounge team.



Introduction to the Week

We have a fabulous week of content available for you based on the this years Health Information Week themes. We've a real range of information from lectures from professionals on sepsis to meditations for mental health and the sharing of lots of research and resources around the topics. Content has been designed to support students, staff and researchers studying here at the University of Bolton but these pages are open to all. 

What is Health Information Week? 

Health Information Week is a national, multi-sector campaign to promote high quality information for patients and the public. High quality health information can have a huge impact on people’s ability to stay healthy and manage illnesses effectively, giving them a better quality of life.

As well as the reading lists listed in each section we have also created a reading list for the full week. This contains books and journal articles available via University of Bolton Library. We have also highlighted some of the amazing published work by our academics at the University, many of which are from the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing and the Faculty of Professional Studies.  

Staff from UBIR (University of Bolton Institutional Repository) will also be joining in by tweeting and will be highlighting some of the research in the reading list above. Thanks to staff from UBIR who have contributed to the list by suggesting content. 

The list of contributors to the pages are too many to list but we must thank Dr Mark Holland, Dr Joey Weber, Chaplain Gill Smart and the Wellbeing and Library team staff who have made Health Information Week here at the University bigger and better than ever before! 
