
The University of Bolton Student Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources brought together by the Life Lounge team

Self Care

At its most basic, self-care is simply identifying needs or desires and then taking steps - no matter how small - to meet those needs. This can range from something as quick and simple as a shower or drinking a glass of water, to more complex tasks, such as cooking and eating a meal or engaging in exercise.

Creating a routine for ourselves that includes Self Care can be a powerful tool in helping us to maintain our wellbeing and can prevent our mental wellbeing from deteriorating. 

This area will explore some ideas around self care and encourage you to come up with your own self care plan. 

Our Guide to Self Care

Christina Morris, Mental Health Advisor, has put together a really helpful guide about self-care. It is easy to use and has ideas you may not have thought of. We talk about self-care often but we don’t always follow it through in a meaningful way. Give yourself the challenge of carrying out self-care every week without fail as an act of kindness to you.


We all enjoy different things but it is important to try new things and explore them so we know what works for us. Here you will find links to websites and more to give you some new ideas. 

Here is an article exploring the best podcasts for wellbeing. Why not settle down with a nice cup of tea in a comfy spot and have a listen. https://www.calmmoment.com/wellbeing/11-best-podcasts-for-wellbeing/   

Why not visit CHATTERPACKS blog with an interesting list of different things to do from activities, to free online courses there is definitely something to feed everyone's joy. https://chatterpack.net/blogs/blog/list-of-online-resources-for-anyone-who-is-isolated-at-home 


Guided meditation can help you to disconnect fromt eh rush and worries of life, helping you to slow your mind and body, and leaving you calmer when tackling new challenges. The University Chaplain, Gill Smart shared this piece with us. Find a quiet space and tune in...

Reading for Wellbeing

The University of Bolton Library has some great books and online texts if you are looking to further your knowledge in Wellbeing. Take a look at their page here!

Mindfulness, by Liz McGovern

Mindfulness is the practice of focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. It is a proven method that can help us to manage stress and anxiety. 

Here is a short interactive video introducing the idea of mindfulness and including an opportunity to engage in a fun mindful activity involving chocolate. ( Chocolate not provided ! ) :-)

If you have enjoyed this exercise why not follow this link and complete our Mindfulness LEAP module.

Here is another great video about the mindful practice of 5 things: a short mindful exercise that can be engaged in at any time to help reduce stress or simply ground us in the present moment.