
The University of Bolton Student Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources brought together by the Life Lounge team

Sepsis- understanding, supporting and treating patients for health professionals.

In the following video Dr Mark Holland a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing discusses understanding sepsis and it's treatment and management. The video has an accompanying Powerpoint where Mark has shared recommended online references and links to evidence to support the video. The content is aimed at health care professionals but explained in a really clear and easy to understand manner. 

Sepsis -Finding information as a patient

What is sepsis?

Sepsis (also known as blood poisoning) is the immune system’s overreaction to an infection or injury. Normally our immune system fights infection – but sometimes, for reasons we don’t yet understand, it attacks our body’s own organs and tissues. If not treated immediately, sepsis can result in organ failure and death. Yet with early diagnosis, it can be treated with antibiotics. Sepsis can intially look like flu, gastroenteritis or a chest infection. There is no one sign, and symptoms present differently between adults and children.



This information was taken from The Sepsis Trust

Being able to find and recognise reputable and up to date information on a topic online is a key skill. See the section on Mythbusting which explains why you should use caution when searching for health information online. Seek advice from a professional or professional organisation as above.