
The University of Bolton Student Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources brought together by the Life Lounge team

Loss and Bereavement

When you lose someone close to you, it’s natural to feel sad, depressed, worried or angry.

Loss can affect so many aspects of our lives and for some of us lead to us struggling to cope and experiencing issues with our mental wellbeing.

Everyone reacts in their own way, there are no rules to loss and bereavement.

Time seems to be strangely affected too, it can feel like yesterday and so long ago all at the same time.

Sometimes we can struggling to manage our loss and seek comfort in unhealthy ways like substance use, or we can find it really difficult to go to work, study or meet or needs.

This section has information about loss and bereavement and where you can go to access support.

Life Lounge Guidance - Loss and Bereavement

The Life Lounge team developed the resource below for students at the University of Bolton during the Covid-19 pandemic, which is affecting many of our students. We encourage you to engage with the practical and emotional support that the University offers, which is discussed further in this guide.

The guidance provides information to help you understand grief further. There are also links to charities and organisations who offer support and resources to help you.



How to find bereavement support

The At a Loss service has created a comprehensive search engine resource to help people find the appropriate bereavement support for them in their local area. 

You can find the search engine by clicking >here

                                                             Terms and Conditions | AtaLoss.org

NHS Resources and support services available

There is a lot of support out there to help us manage loss and bereavement. If you are struggling with loss and bereavement you can register for support at the Life Lounge or ask your GP for support if you are struggling to cope. Our friends and family can be a great source of comfort and support too.

Below is a list of some of the services available external to the University that you may choose to access, this information is also in the loss and bereavement guide.

Your GP Practice If you feel that your feelings of grief and bereavement are significantly impacting on you and you are struggling to sleep or take care of daily tasks it is ok to speak to your GP for support. The GP can carry out an assessment of your needs and offer you appropriate support including medication or refer you to counselling services. The NHS also has online guidance and support through their website https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/coping-with-bereavement/

Silverwellbeing at 1 point in Bolton offer Bereavement counselling free for Bolton residents. During the Covid-19 lockdown they are offering an initial 1.5 hour virtual appointment. Following that appointment they will agree with you a suitable support package moving forward. To access these services 01204 917745 or email

The Samaritans are a national charity providing you the space and time to talk 24/7. To access support call 116 123 for free and a volunteer will answer your call. If you would like to learn more about the Samaritans click here.
A specific Samaritans helpline has been set up for ALL NHS STAFF. It is open 7am until 11pm 7 days a week and free to call on 03001317000 or text FRONTLINE to 85258 24/7

Greater Manchester Bereavement Service is an online platform where you can access services in Greater Manchester and nationwide. You can also gain access to advise on practical steps. Ou can call 0161 983 0902 for support. Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays)
Wednesday, 9am to 8pm https://greater-manchester-bereavement-service.org.uk/

 Togetherall offers free 24/7 services to students. You will need to use your student email address to register. There are a variety of different sources of support on the sight including forums, professionals available to chat, areas where you can express yourself through word and art and self help courses including the topic of bereavement. https://togetherall.com/en-gb/

 Cruse Bereavement Care is a national bereavement charity – free helpline 0808 808 1677 offering free advice, information and support to adults, young people and children who are struggling to cope with grief. The helpline is open Monday-Friday 9.30-5pm (excluding bank holidays), with extended hours on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, when it is open until 8pm. You can also email helpline@cruse.org.uk to access support.
Cruse has created a specific support package for Covid-19 that is accessible by visiting https://www.cruse.org.uk/get-help/coronavirus-dealing-bereavement-and-grief

  Free helpline: 0808 808 1677 (Mon-Fri 09:30-17:00).

Hope Again is Cruse Bereavement Care’s website for young people up to the age of 18. It has information, vlogs, podcasts, videos and a place to sharing personal stories. They also offer group support when able in their Cruse centers across the UK. https://www.hopeagain.org.uk/

 The Good Grief Trust aims to help people find useful information, advice and encouraging stories from others to help in the most difficult of times and to make the future that bit brighter. NATIONAL HELPLINE is now available for anyone affected by a bereavement during the Coronavirus crisis. A team of specialist trained bereavement nurses are waiting to offer practical advice, emotional help and signposting to IMMEDIATE support.  Freephone 0800 2600 400 anytime from 8am - 8pm
The Caribbean & African Health Network has created a support helpline for the Caribbean and African Community for information, advice and support for single mothers.  The line is open from 6am until midnight daily b07710022382 Email:COVID-19@cahn.org

 At a Loss.org is a really good web site which has access to bereavement resources, a list of bereavement services, advice for those recently bereaved, access to people to talk to and much more. Please visit https://www.ataloss.org/

The Bereavement Trust offer a free helpline delivered by trained volunteers 0800 435 455 (6pm to 10pm every day) offering support and practical advice about bereavement.

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide provides a free helpline 0300 111 5065 (9am to 9pm every day).  There is also other information and resources on the site. You can also email if you prefer email.support@uksobs.org

Widow and Young the only national charity in the UK for people aged 50 or under when their partner has died. It’s a peer-to-peer support group led by volunteers who have been widowed. They have a variety of support streams in place, digital and face to face once you have joined them https://www.widowedandyoung.org.uk/join-way/

Child Bereavement UK offer a variety of support to children and adults when a child dies, visit the website for more information - https://www.childbereavementuk.org/ Helpline is accessible Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm (except Bank Holidays). They also have a Live Chat via function, an app and you can access support via their email support@childbereavementuk.org. They have also created a specific guide related to Covid – 19 https://www.childbereavementuk.org/pages/category/coronavirus

 Sands provides support following stillbirth and neonatal death. They have a  free helpline 0808 164 3332 (9.30am to 5.30pm Mon-Fri and 9.30am to 9.30pm Tues and Thurs evenings). helpline@sands.org.uk they have online support forum, community support groups and an app https://www.sands.org.uk/

 The Compassionate Friends UK offers support parents and the families who have lost a child. 0345 123 2304 helpline, 0288 77 88 016 NI helpline  or email helpline@tcf.org.uk Visit their webpage for more information about the services they offer. https://www.tcf.org.uk/


The Life Lounge

The Life Lounge is an ideal space to take a bit of time out from your day – you’re welcome to drop in at any time. It’s a quiet and relaxing space with mindful prompts and activities to help you to slow down and chill out. Through the Life Lounge, you can also access specialist services to support and promote your mental wellbeing.

The Life Lounge brings together specialist services, free for students to access, including:

  • Counselling Service
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Clinic
  • Mental Health Advisors
  • Referrals to other specialist services, both within and external to the University
  • Drop-in support, events and workshops

The service is open to all current students studying at the University of Bolton and the service is completely free.
