
The University of Bolton Student Services

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Resources brought together by the Life Lounge team


Support for veterans and those in the Armed Forces.

Joining the Armed Forces requires such strength and commitment. Whist for many, it is an honour to serve, we are aware that service can have significant impacts on Mental Health, and it is vital for you to get support to be able to deal with traumatic events and re-familiarise yourself with every-day life.

There are many services and charities who can understand your experiences and help you find ways of coping, as well as offering practical support too.

Reaching out for support is a sign of strength.

Government and NHS Support for Veterans

NHS Military Health Care - Find out more information about the NHS offer to Veterans following the implementation of the Armed Forces Covenant.


The Gov.uk website lists details of organisations who can support you if you are in crisis and require urgent mental health support,. You can access a range of services.

You can also access information surrounding armed forces pensions, or access your local SSAFA or RBL branch.

Click here to view the Gov.Uk page on pensions and compensation for veterans.


If you are claiming a war pension, or a war widow or widower pension and you are moving abroad, you should get advice on your pension.

You can get advice from Veterans UK. Their contact details are:

Telephone from the UK: 0808 1914218
Telephone from abroad: + 44 1 253 866043

Support agencies and charities helping Armed Forces/Veterans


This video was created by the British Legion, identifying how hard it can be to transition into everyday life following time in the Armed Forces.

View more about their support services on their website, britishlegion.org

The British Legion have also created the Battle Back Centre, an initiative aimed at helping those with injuries and disabilities following service. Read more here.

Organisations supporting a range of issues, for Veterans and their families

The Armed Forces Covenant - The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly. Visit this page to find out more about your rights as a Veteran, or a Veteran partner/child. The covenant covers all kinds of areas, including housing, NHS services, schooling, employment and much more. Click here to view their website or click here to view their Advice and Support pages.

Bolton Armed Forces for Veterans charity - Bolton Armed Forces for Veterans charity, offering all manner of advice and support for Veterans in Bolton and the wider area. View their website here.

SSAFA - SSAFA provide a range of services, including mentoring throughout your transition, financial and housing services. View their website here.

You can also view:

https://www.rafbf.org/how-we-help RAF benevolent fund

https://royal-naval-association.co.uk/ charity support Navy veterans

https://soldierscharity.org/ Army benevolent fund



 https://www.rfea.org.uk/ - employment services for Veterans

https://www.veteranemployment.co.uk/ - ETS - Veterans Employment Transition Support -
is a social enterprise that brings together charities, businesses and the MOD to improve employment outcomes for veterans, employers and the UK economy

 https://helpforheroes.org.uk/ - support for veterans, and their families. Access to mentors, peer support, employment advise and so much more.


Health and Recovery of Veterans and their families

https://blesma.org/ military charity for wounded veterans and their families, offering a wide range of support

https://www.walkingwiththewounded.org.uk/ military charity for wounded veterans and their families, offering a wide range of support

https://www.blindveterans.org.uk/ supports blind veterans and their families

 https://www.veteranshearingsupport.co.uk/ We know hearing loss is a common problem for Veterans. Visit here for more information about support that may be available to you.  

https://www.combatstress.org.uk/ mental health support for veterans

https://www.veteransservicelse.nhs.uk/alcohol-and-substance-use Veterans mental health  transition intervention and liaison service

https://www.scottyslittlesoldiers.co.uk/ a military charity to help UK armed forces personnel’s bereaved children.



https://www.veteransgateway.org.uk/partners/ - search engine to help you find charities and services that can support you


Health Information for Armed Forces/Veterans

Health Information and Services supporting Armed Forces and Veterans

Pages you may find informative:

Veterans physical injuries (NHS)

Veterans health FAQs (NHS)

Veterans Mental Health Support (NHS)

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (NHS)

Depression (NHS)

NHS offer to Veterans - visit this page to find out more information about the NHS offer to Veterans following the implementation of the Armed Forces Covenant. 

Alcohol Support (NHS)

Tom Harrison House - Residential Rehabiliation Centre based in Liverpool for veterans

Veteran Hearing Support - Supporting those with hearing loss

The Life Lounge

The Life Lounge is an ideal space to take a bit of time out from your day – you’re welcome to drop in at any time. It’s a quiet and relaxing space with mindful prompts and activities to help you to slow down and chill out. Through the Life Lounge, you can also access specialist services to support and promote your mental wellbeing.

The Life Lounge brings together specialist services, free for students to access, including:

  • Counselling Service
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Clinic
  • Mental Health Advisors
  • Referrals to other specialist services, both within and external to the University
  • Drop-in support, events and workshops

The service is open to all current students studying at the University of Bolton and the service is completely free.
